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also hosts live retreats, workshops & study groups, providing a safe, small group gathering where you can
find friendship & fellowship, share hopes & heartaches,
and experience together God's love through the Holy Spirit.

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take a look at what's on offer  . . .

Online via Zoom

In-person in Derby, UK

Psalm Prayers

  • Online and interactive via Zoom
  • Guided prayer from the Psalm text
  • What is God saying for you today?
  • How will you choose to respond?

1 hour - online via Zoom


Encounter Jesus

  • Online and interactive via Zoom
  • Discover anew the gospel narrative
  • What is God teaching you today?
  • How might this encounter continue?

1½ hours - online via Zoom

Retreats & Quiet Days

Joy in the Journey

  • Small gathering - a safe space
  • Personal & corporate prayer time
  • Responsive prayer - theme based
  • Creative & interactive aspects

2 hours - in person - Derby

Beside still waters

  • Small gathering - a safe space
  • Themed input with quiet times
  • Creative & interactive aspects
  • Individual & group reflection

full day (approx. 10-3) - Derby

Creative Craft Workshops

Creative & Co.

  • Choose from a range of creative & imaginative activities on offer
  • Enjoy coffee, cake & conversation with like-minded individuals

2 hours - in person - Derby

Kids Creative

  • Choose from a range of children friendly craft activities on offer
  • Spend quality parent & child time together as you make & create

2 hours - in person - Derby

Study Groups & Courses

It's Not Supposed to Be This Way


Finding unexpected strength when disappointments leave you shattered

Has life become something other than you hoped for? Lysa TerKeurst, with heart and humour, shares ways of dealing with disappointment in this
6-week intensively practical study.



Responding to God's call

Our world is in a terrible mess today. The gap between rich and poor is increasing and the problems that go with this are immense. So what is a Christian response?

6 weeks of 1½ hours - online 

Rivers of Justice

Chasing Vines


Finding your way to an immensely fruitful life

God wants us to flourish. In fact, he delights in our flourishing. Life isn't always fun, but in Christ it can always be fruitful.

In this 6-session journey, Beth shows us from Scripture how all of life's concerns - the delights and the trials - matter to God.

The Eye of the Storm


An interactive study from the Book of Job

The story of Job is one of the classics of world literature. Bryson Smith, in these
6 masterful studies, takes us to the heart of Job, and to the valuable lessons it teaches us about life and suffering and the true wisdom of God.


God's promises for today

God's character unfolds throughout the Bible in the promises He has made to us. Established long ago, God's covenants still determine the course of human history.

6 weeks of 1½ hours - online 

The Covenants


What makes Christianity distinct

Rediscover that Jesus is unique, far
greater than all other sages and prophets. He alone has conquered death and He alone can give eternal life.

6 weeks of 1½ hours - online 

Uniqueness of our Faith

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