As we journey together through the words of the Psalm, reflect on what God is saying to you and how you would like to respond.
During appropriately-themed worship songs, take the opportunity to engage with the Lord through whichever creative medium you prefer: painting, writing, dancing, stillness.
Online and interactive via Zoom.
Guided prayer from the Psalm text.
What is God saying for you today?
How will you choose to respond?
1 hour online
As we explore together the gospel encounter and imagine ourselves taking part in the narrative, what might Jesus be saying to you?
As we go deeper into the writer's account, reflect on where you see yourself and why; take the opportunity to respond creatively, maybe through drawing, poetry, movement or prayer.
1 hour online
Online and interactive via Zoom.
Discover anew the gospel narrative
What is God teaching you today?
How might this encounter continue?
Rivers of Justice Bible Study
Responding to God's call to righteousness today
Our world is in a terrible mess today. The gap between rich and poor is increasing and the problems that go with this are immense.
But the biblical story has justice at its heart and this study should help us apply it to contemporary living.
So what is a Christian response? Should we be concerned? If so, what can we do? Through exploring the biblical teaching on justice and then focusing on some contemporary issues (the environment, trade and debt, money and consumerism), this Cover to Cover Bible study aims to help us answer these questions - through lively & thought-provoking discussions - and may well raise further questions!
This 6 week online study will take place on an evening or weekday to suit the people booking
The Covenants Bible Study
God's promises and their relevance today
This is an absorbing study which reveals how God's character unfolds throughout the Bible in the promises He has made to us. Although established many centuries ago, these covenants still determine the course of human history.
Through stimulating sessions, understand and apply the covenants of:
Life, Providence, Faith, Law, Kingship & Grace.
And includes a 'Seeing Jesus in the Scriptures' section, together with suggestions for personal application.
This 6 week online study will take place on an evening or weekday to suit the people booking
The Uniqueness of our Faith
What makes Christianity Distinctive?
Jesus made the claim that He alone is utterly indispensable to a relationship with God and to salvation. So is Christianity is in a category all by itself, separate from comparative religions?
Rediscover that Jesus is unique - far greater than the sages & prophets. He alone has conquered death and He alone can give eternal life.
Live confidently in the wonderful truth that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life; the Light of the World; and the way to the Father.
He abides with us, dwells in us and works through us.