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Fruits of the Spirit - Intro


Introduction, Galatians 5:22-23

The best children’s address I ever heard on the fruits of the Spirit was by this guy who linked each one to an actual fruit of the same initial: lemon for love, Jaffa orange for joy, a pair of pears for peace and patience. As he talked about each one, he would throw the relevant fruit to one of the children sat around his feet, then get them to throw it back each time he recapped the list. Every time, as he reached for the next piece of fruit from the bowl on the table beside him, his hand would hover over a sundae dish filled with ice-cream, cream and strawberries, but then he’d say, “Nah, I’ll come back to that in minute.” Then, as a final flourish to end his talk, with children and adults alike drooling at the sight of it, he picked up the sundae glass, scooped up a huge spoonful of the now slightly melted goo, and grinned: “Strawberries and cream!" He laughed, "self-control!”

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