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Finchale Priory

Finchale Priory (pronounced ‘finkle’) owes its origin to St Godric, a colourful figure born about 1070 who, after years of travel as a sailor, merchant and pilgrim, felt called to the solitary life. He eventually settled at Finchale, where he lived to the ripe old age of about 100. Some 25 years after his death, his hermitage became a priory. By the mid-14th century this was serving as a holiday home for monks from Finchale’s parent monastery, Durham.

(English Heritage)

Built on the site of one man's hermit life and atonement to God, Finchale eventually became a monastic holiday home for monks from Durham. They were frequently accused of revelry and unpriestly activities, so maybe the history of this place is connected to a lack of respect I've not seen in some years. Now mainly in ruins, parents are encouraging their children to clamber on the walls - dangerously so - and to play hide and seek because the youngsters are bored and the parents don't want to leave their sunny picnic location just quite yet.

And yet this place was once hallowed, its size and splendor far outstripping the number of monks housed here.

The magnificence of the nave, the strength of the columns which once supported the central tower... Standing here, in a moment of silence - of serenity between the hoards of running children - I feel the peace of God, the love of the Father and the devotion of his priests.

Once a place of hospitality, of rest and recuperation. What do these ruins still offer?

Is rest and relaxation enough? Is family time in the sunshine sufficient? Many would say yes, it recharges my batteries, reminds me of what's important. But it saddens me when God does not fit into this equation. Where is the Maker of the universe, the Inspiration behind the construction and original purpose of this place? Irrelevant, insignificant, unimportant? Or simply unknown and unimagined? After all:

How can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? Romans 10:14

Father, my prayer is that you would be known. That your Spirit would be felt in this place; that hearts would be touched by you and moved to see that you still exist, just as these stones still exist in testament of men who knew you and saw your glory. Amen.

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