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Spring has sprung


I love watching spring arrive in the UK. Every year the freshness of spring leaves and the delicate beauty of blossom cheers my soul. Just look at the detail in the leaves! Sycamore leaves (pictured here) actually emerge from their buds all carefully folded, to fully open flat within a couple of days. I love their crinkly, soft feel and the vein structure - it's amazing! And cherry leaves with their tiny saw-edges and blossom petals so thin and delicate.

Spring is a time when we can be especially aware of God revealing himself through creation: all the colours, sunshine & brightness after the long dark days of winter - it makes us feel more alive! As it says in Psalm 96:12-13

"Let all the trees of the forest sing for joy. Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes."

Spring in the UK is definitely a season for joy and rejoicing as people, plants & animals awaken with new life and fresh beauty.


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