In a small-gathering setting, be encouraged to participate in the various interactive & responsive prayer actions, allowing the Lord to speak to you through music and in the stillness.
As the Holy Spirit begins to work amongst us, on a personal and corporate level, we can journey together into new life lessons from the Almighty.
Small gathering – a safe space
Personal & corporate prayer time
Responsive prayer – theme based
Creative & interactive aspects
2 hours, Derby
Half-Day Retreat
This full-day retreat is an opportunity to rest in God's arms of grace; to sit beside still waters - no matter what our situation - and receive from Him.
Through guided prayer and creative actions; with individual & group reflection, know God's love.
Please bring a packed lunch, drinks provided.
Full-Day Retreat
10-3 (approx.), Derby
Small gathering – a safe space
Themed input with quiet times
Creative & interactive aspects
Individual & group reflection
It’s not supposed to be this way
A video and discussion Bible Study by Lysa Terkeurst
Life often looks so very different than we hoped or expected. Some events may simply catch us off guard for a moment, but others shatter us completely. We feel disappointed and disillusioned, and we quietly start to wonder about the reality of God's goodness.
Lysa TerKeurst understands this deeply. But she's also discovered that our disappointments can be the divine appointments our souls need to radically encounter God. In It's Not Supposed to Be This Way, Lysa invites us into her own journey of faith and, with grit, vulnerability, and honest humour, shows us how to live assured when life doesn't turn out like we expected.
This 6 week in-person study will take place on an evening or weekday to suit the people booking
Chasing Vines
A video and discussion Bible Study by Beth Moore
God wants us to flourish. In fact, he delights in our flourishing.
Life isn't always fun, but in Christ it can always be fruitful.
In Chasing Vines, Beth shows us from Scripture how all of life's concerns—the delights and the trials—matter to God. He uses all of it to help us flourish and be fruitful. Looking through the lens of Christ's transforming teaching in John 15, Beth gives us a panoramic view of biblical teachings on the Vine, vineyards, vine-dressing, & fruitfulness. Along the way you'll discover why fruitfulness is so important to God and how He can use anything that happens to us for His glory and our flourishing. Nothing is for nothing.
This 6 week in-person study will take place on an evening or weekday to suit the people booking
Eye of the Storm
A group discussion Bible Study by Bryson Smith
The story of how Job loses everything and then struggles with his pain, his ignorance and the dubious comfort of his friends, is one of the classics of world literature. But it is much more than a literary masterpiece. It is a book about life as it really is—where good things happen, bad things happen, and just plain confusing things happen; where there is grief and agonizing and asking why; and where there is God, whom we know is Lord of all, yet whose ways we don't always understand. In The Eye of the Storm, Bryson Smith takes us to the heart of Job, and to the valuable lessons it teaches us about life and suffering and the true wisdom of God.